5 Traits of a Good Dance Teacher | Axis Tango

Best qualities in tango dance teachers

For those of us who love dancing, much of that love was shaped by the amazing dance teachers in our lives. So it's important to choose your dance teacher with care! According to AllSeattleTango, it is best to choose a teacher with whom you can relate in terms of teaching style and methods. However, the following qualities are displayed by great teachers across the board:

1. Patience

All teachers should demonstrate a high level of patience, but those teaching dance and specifically Argentine Tango need to be especially patient with their students, since partner dances can be stressful for everyone involved. Dancers can become frustrated and sometimes discouraged on their path to tango bliss, so it is important that the teacher knows how to stay calm. Not everyone will learn a movement the first time it is taught, and sometimes even experienced dancers will ask for help with the basics. A teacher must be calm and relaxed about teaching the same concepts multiple times.

2. Charisma

When a tango teacher has a high level of passion for teaching in general, students are drawn to his or her explanations, instructions and demonstrations. An instructor with good vocalization, confidence and an engaging personality will greatly help with students' progress. 

3. Empathy

As with patience, empathy is an important requirement for dance teachers. Not everyone has the same physical abilities, and the teacher should feel empathy for students in order to help them learn or get past a difficult dance partner. Everyone can dance, and everyone can dance Argentine Tango! Having a teacher who understands the challenges students face while trying to improve their skills, and who sincerely supports them in their learning efforts, makes a big impact in dancers' lives.

4. Flexibility

This is not about physical flexibility, but being flexible in terms of who the teacher can work with and their method of teaching so everyone can succeed. A dance instructor must be able to work with a range of ages and types of people. He or she must also be able to show dance techniques in a variety of ways. Not everyone will learn after the first demonstration, and some must see a movement shown from many angles in order to fully comprehend it. 

5. Have Fun!

Lastly, a dance teacher who gives off a feeling of warmth and makes the learning process enjoyable is ideal. Dancers can relax, feel comfortable in an unfamiliar situation, develop a sense of camaraderie within the class group, and grow a personal connection to the teacher, and therefore to Argentine Tango. It has been said that dance is the hidden language of the soul. It can certainly be intimidating to learn to "speak" this sometimes unfamiliar language, but a tango teacher who helps the whole process make fun will indeed make a positive difference in students' lives. 


If you've already found the perfect Argentine Tango instructor and would like to find the perfect tango shoes from Italy, visit our website!

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