Community Marketplace

Dance Shoes, Apparel & Accessories For Less

Save up to 90% on pre-owned dance items.
Or sell your dance shoes, apparel or accessories and let them be loved again.

Axis Tango is focused on helping you find your next pair of irresistible shoes you can wear with joy anytime, anywhere. We have been thinking for a while how to help our clients recycle and reuse their well-loved dance shoes once their new pair was on the way. Of course, they could stay in the closet for a while and remind the owner of many happy dance memories. But, they could also be loved again by someone else who will appreciate and wear them with pleasure. After lengthy research, many conversations with dancers, and an occasional late night ice cream party to help us think better, we are excited to open Your Dance Market!

Your Dance Market is an online community marketplace connecting buyers and sellers of pre-owned, sample and new dance-related apparel, footwear and accessories. And we will open soon categories for online classes & other dance-related services too!

Sellers list their item (worn once, many times, or not at all) for a one time small listing fee. Buyers and sellers then communicate and transact directly. We don’t charge commission, hidden fees or mark up the price of any item listed on the site. Think elevated eBay focused only on anything and everything related to dance!